The bodies of ZEF are: Assembly, Manager, Supervisory Board, Membership Committee, and Mediation Council.
The Assembly is the highest governing body in ZEF, consisted of all cooperative members by the principle “one member, one vote”.
The Assembly decides on the following issues: adopts the rules and other acts of the cooperative; elects, revokes and decides on the acceptance of reports by the President and the Deputy President of the Assembly, the Manager, the members of the Supervisory Board, the Membership Committee and other bodies of the ZEF;, decides on the distribution of profit or surplus of income and covers the loss or lack thereof, makes all other important decisions on the business and strategy of the cooperative.
The sessions of the Assembly are convened and run by the elected President of the Assembly or the Deputy President of the Assembly. In order to increase work efficiency and decision making, in December 2014 the Assembly operations changed to the representative model, which means that members elect their representatives and deputies in the Assembly for a two year mandate according to the criteria of regional affiliation, business specialization and areas of work. The Assembly is divided into the current 10 regions (for individual members) and 13 sections (for organizational members), and after the general vote, the representatives or deputy representatives represent the vote of their respective regions or sections in the Assembly.

Session of ZEF cooperative assembly